Las palmas diced green chiles are an essential part of the mexican food kitchen. Distinctive and versatile, las palmas diced green chiles add magic to everything they touch. Milder than most other chile peppers, feel free to add las palmas diced green chiles to nearly any application, including sauces, eggs & fillings. And as toppings on mexican specialty dishes, they are absolutely fundamental.
Ingredients: Green Chiles, Salt, Citric Acid, Calcium Chloride.
Allergens: Not Available
Storage: Store at ambient temperature.
Las palmas diced green chiles are an essential part of the mexican food kitchen. Distinctive and versatile, las palmas diced green chiles add magic to everything they touch. Milder than most other chile peppers, feel free to add las palmas diced green chiles to nearly any application, including sauces, eggs & fillings. And as toppings on mexican specialty dishes, they are absolutely fundamental.
Ingredients: Green Chiles, Salt, Citric Acid, Calcium Chloride.
Allergens: Not Available
Storage: Store at ambient temperature.
- Milder than most other chile peppers
- Add Las Palmas Diced Green Chiles to nearly any application, including sauces, eggs & fillings.
- Add as topping on Mexican specialty dishes.