Maypo Quick Oats Oatmeal is a 100% whole grain natural cereal.
As a sodium and cholesterol-free food, Maypo Quick Oats Oatmeal has no preservatives and is low in fat. Maypo Quick Oats is a heart healthy food. As part of a heart healthy diet, the soluble fiber in Maypo may reduce cholesterol and 3 grams of soluble fiber daily from oatmeal may reduce the risk of heart disease. Maypo has 2 grams per serving.
Ingredients: 100% Natural Rolled Oats
Allergens: Not Available
Storage: Store at ambient temperatures in a cool, dry area.
As a sodium and cholesterol-free food, Maypo Quick Oats Oatmeal has no preservatives and is low in fat. Maypo Quick Oats is a heart healthy food. As part of a heart healthy diet, the soluble fiber in Maypo may reduce cholesterol and 3 grams of soluble fiber daily from oatmeal may reduce the risk of heart disease. Maypo has 2 grams per serving.
Ingredients: 100% Natural Rolled Oats
Allergens: Not Available
Storage: Store at ambient temperatures in a cool, dry area.